We’ve added a recommended reading page to our website so you can always find links to helpful articles about the SUP problem and how small adjustments in our daily lives can reduce demand for SUP!
Check it out at
SUP in Schools
Click here to check out our website for a report on the SUP in Schools team’s work so far, as well as the information collected about efforts to reduce SUP in large urban school districts’ cafeterias.
We’re creating a project to compile information on which restaurants use low-SUP methods for packing takeout orders, and we need your input!
Click hereto send us your experiences, along with any photos.
Do you find yourself picking up litter in your neighborhood? Join the Summer 10k Litter Pickup challenge!
This summer-long initiative, hosted jointly by Pittsburgh Ploggers and Humane Action Pittsburgh’s “no plastic please” campaign, is collecting and documenting 10,000 pieces of litter in the Pittsburgh area.
Participating is easy: Install the free Litterati app (http://litterati.org) and enter code PGH10K. Then grab a bag and a glove, and take a walk or jog around your neighborhood. When you see some litter, snap a photo, then pick it up. Once you upload your photos, you can tag them with object name, material type, and brand name.
Find out more and get involved at http://noplasticplease.net/litter
The plastic industry is asking Congress for $1 billion to bail out plastic recycling during the coronavirus crisis.
The companies and industry trade groups seeking the money are calling themselves the Recover Coalition, a reference to the Recover Act, a bill introduced in the House in November that calls for allocating $500 million to recycling infrastructure over five years.
The companies now seeking additional taxpayer dollars to fund recycling already have hundreds of billions at their disposal to pay for the processing of the products they create. The 223 companies that belong to and fund the American Chemistry Council and the Recycling Partnership — both of which signed the letter — include 60 publicly held companies with a combined revenue of $2.7 trillion and net profit of $210 billion.
Click here for Greenpeace’s contact form to tell Congress you don’t support the 1 billion dollar bailout for plastic recycling.